Your EzClix Profile
We’ve started creating a public profile page for everyone. These will allow us to submit everyone’s pages to a number of our high volume traffic sources individually, for some extra long term visitor traffic & exposure.
We’re currently trying to embed some sort of optin/autoresponder into that page for you as well, to add some List Building functionality to your EzClix account. That’s proving a bit of a challenge though, so we’re not quite ready to go on this just yet.
If you want to get a head-start on all this, you can now add a Profile Photo or Avatar via the Your Account page in the Member’s area. That won’t be used until the Profile page is done, so no rush, but it’s there now if you want it.
While you’re at it, you can also add a link to your personal website or blog on that page… a lot of people seem to have missed that one. These aren’t getting a lot of traffic just yet, but they all add a little extra to your system and they’ll be incorporated on your Profile Pages as well.
We’ll be looking for some extra info for your page once it’s all ready to go… mostly in regards to an invite/offer to get people to opt-in to your list via your Profile Page.
We’ll be showing this to your direct referrals plus a lot of non-EzClix traffic, so give it some thought now and you’ll be ready to go when we are.
That’s it for now. Please take a moment to check out a few Member Offers while you’re here, and get yourself a few extra entries in the Monthly Prize Draw!
Have a great week!
Great program Brad. Super-impressive!!
Thanks John, glad you’re liking it! Fact is we’re only just getting started and I’ve got loads more I want to add. In particular, I’ve got a load of traffic products I’ve bought over the years and never really put to work at the time. I tested a heap of them and put the good ones aside to ‘get back to sometime’… and never did. Now EzClix is up and running we’ll be revisiting all of those over the next few months. Stay tuned!