Viral Traffic Page Update
We’ve just given the Viral Traffic Pages a major update, that you’ll want to check out ASAP!
These worked really well when we first launched, but they had been slowing up a bit, so we decided to give them a major overhaul to see if we can get you some better results. There are a few major changes:
- Your visitors can now create their own free copy of your page on the EzClix website. This logs them into the system forever as your referral, and the process will be guiding these free signups towards trying out EzClix at some stage.
- The page itself puts a bit more emphasis on trying out EzClix from the outset… the overall click-throughs had been dropping a bit so this should give it all a boost and flow on to some extra signups across the board.
- We’ve added tracking to the various Viral Traffic Programs on the page, so you can see what sort of numbers you’re sending through to each of them and decide if an upgrade is warranted.
- We’ve added some extra banner exchanges to the rotation, so your Viral Traffic Page will also be earning you extra credits on extra websites.
- And finally, we’ve added a couple of programs that have been working well for us on a couple of our other sites. In particular, we expect Genie Co-op to generate some useful commissions for you as your page gets going.
Your existing Viral Traffic Page set up will continue to work as-is, BUT you should login as soon as possible and add your own UserIDs for the new programs. This will ensure you get the referrals from both your EzClix signs-ups and any free sign-ups your page generates.
Please do that ASAP and then check out your new look Viral Traffic page. Check your links and your main offer, and get a feel for how it all works. Any questions, problems or suggestions, please do reach out!
Testing The Free Version…
A couple of Members have already created a free version from their own page, which is fine. Be aware we only promote the Member’s pages, so if you want create a free one (or more) that’s fine, as long as you send enough traffic to get them moving!
We are updating the instructions and info for all this today, and we’ll be adding better stats for this there as well, once we have a few people using both the Member and non-Member versions, and a bit more traffic going through both. Thanks in advance for your help!