Member Spotlight Ads
You can now ‘spotlight’ one Ad from each of your AdBoards, to highlight those offers to other Members. There is no cost for this, it’s just a bit of extra exposure for everyone, but we do ask that you use some commonsense and respect your fellow-Members.
i.e. Don’t ‘spam’ the listing with multiple similar Ads, choose your Spotlight Ads carefully and make sure they offer good value to everyone here!
A random selection of these Ads will be shown on the Members Dashboard page and also on the Members Bonus page. Plus there will be a link to the full list of Spotlight Ads for those interested.
You can use this feature to generate some additional ‘clicks’ for your Advertisers, or you can use it to promote your own offers to other Members… it’s entirely up to you.
Given that these will appear on the ‘Bonus’ section of the Members Area, I’d expect ‘free’ offers will probably get the best response!
This listing is currently pretty empty though, so there’s a lot of exposure up for grabs, for anyone who gets in now and selects a few AdCards!
Just go to your Ad Manager, open the required AdCard and you’ll see the button at the top right. Click that and you’re done.
Just remember, one Spotlight Ad per AdBoard… if you click a second one the first will be disabled.