Facebook marketing book: Facebook Marketing For Business

Here is the Facebook marketing for business book on Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Facebook-Marketing-Business-Expect-Promoting-ebook/dp/B00LMGPDIK

Here is the Facebook marketing for business book table of contents:

i. Facebook is the first marketing strategy people think of
ii. Why just posting on Facebook is not enough
iii. Very little commerce happens through Facebook
iv. Pros and cons on using your personal profile to advertise on Facebook, and how to do it right.
v. Facebook business and fan pages
vi. Paid Facebook marketing
vii. Establish yourself as an expert
viii. What is the benefit of a like?
ix. How to grow your Facebook business page when you first start out
x. Facebook events
xi. Likes vs. shares
xii. How to make more engaging Facebook posts
xiii. Promoting visual products
xiv. Buffer app to automate Facebook updates
xv. How to build your product to increase sharing
xvi. Facebook marketing costs
xvii. Should you buy Facebook likes?

This Facebook marketing book is intended for first-time marketers and first-time entrepreneurs. It will help you understand some of the myths surrounding Facebook marketing for business, what you can realistically expect, and how to go about promoting your business on Facebook.

I am excited to announce the publication of my Facebook marketing book on Amazon. This book is important because from my extensive research of hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs who have used my mobile apps for entrepreneurs, over 90% of first-time marketers and first-time business owners cited Facebook as one of the first places where they will promote their business.

In fact, most people’s initial marketing strategy goes something like “I will promote my business with business cards, flyers, word of mouth marketing, Facebook and Twitter.” If that sounds like something that you have in mind, then this book is truly for you.

In the book I explain what strategies are possible, and when particular strategies make sense to use. The problem most people run into is that while they want to do marketing via Facebook, they are often not sure what is possible, and aren’t aware of the correct strategies and practices. This book goes over just about every way you can promote your business on Facebook, and explains the nuances of each particular technique.

The Facebook marketing book isn’t long. It is abut 20 pages and it is available on the Kindle. If you don’t have a Kindle, don’t worry. You can download the Kindle app on any smart phone, and get this book on your smart phone. So if you have an iPhone, Android, or an iPad, you can easily get this book.

Here is an article explaining more about this book on Facebook marketing for business and my other books:

Facebook Marketing Book

If you want to take a video-based course on Facebook marketing, check out my Udemy Facebook marketing course:

Advanced social media marketing course:

How to start a successful blog:

Social media marketing tutorial:

Facebook marketing book:

How to start a successful YouTube channel:

Why you should not have a private Twitter account:

SEO and social media:

Twitter marketing tutorial:

25 Facebook marketing strategies:

Facebook marketing book:

Advanced social media marketing strategy:

how to promote your business on Facebook with fan or business pages:

Facebook marketing by using your personal profile:

Buying Twitter followers:

Facebook marketing with business pages:

How to get people to retweet your tweets:

Advantages of Facebook paid advertising:

How to make engaging Facebook posts that get likes and attention:

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