EzBannerz Commission Payments
Thanks very much to all those people who jumped on board for the EzBannerz upgrade last week. We had a great response all the way through and several members have already covered their cost and moved into profit.
If you took advantage of this, please make sure you keep working this until it starts to move on it’s own and you get your network moving down towards those lower levels. Remember the ‘depth charge’ approach means it might feel like nothing is happening for a while, but when your downline reaches those deeper levels, the hard work will have been done and it should be virtually unstoppable.
If you skipped this, or you’ve joined in the last week or so, I encourage you to look it over sometime. It’s a one-time investment that will come back to you for many years to come… if you do a little work now.
The payments are going out fairly smoothly so far. The one hold up is that most people are paying by card and we have to pay by crypto, so there’s been a couple of delays while we moved funds across from cash to crypto. So we’ll probably review the pricing before long to add an incentive to pay by cryptos rather than card.
In the interests of full transparency, we’re recording the transaction hash numbers for each of the four payments we make to your upline on your behalf. A couple of people have noticed these sometimes are the same for multiple payments. This is because the ‘block’ represented by the hash number, will contain multiple individual transactions.
If you click the transaction ID, you’ll see there’s a batch of payments listed on the next page… you should be able to pick out the ones that are ours by the amounts and date paid. Hope that makes sense?