Changes To Cash Ads Requirements
We’ve just finished updating your Traffic and Strategy pages to use your Cash Ads codes, but I only just realised the Ad Codes are different for each ad size… so we’re going to need everyone to save all four AdCodes here, not just the 468×60 one we originally asked for.
I’ve updates the Program Instruction page for CashAds, and your Extra Settings page to cover this… next time you login, please check your Programs => Passive Cashflow => CashAds, and make sure you have your Referral ID saved on that page, and all four AdCodes saved on your Extra Settings page.
If at all possible, you should also add at least one AdCode you a website or blog of your own. This one looks like it could add a real value to our set up, so we want to make sure they’re happy to have us… so sending traffic to their network from multiple sites will definitely help in that regard.
Plus it will be some extra cash in your pocket!