Assorted AdCardz Updates
Just a few other items of interest…
The Built-In List-Builder Is Live
We’ve just finished adding the Opt-in Form to your AdBoard Thank You pages. We gave those an update while we were at it, to try and get your advertisers to do a bit more promotion early on. In particular we’ve added a couple of instant/viral traffic options that are popular with the AdBoard owners.
In-House Traffic Co-op For AdCard Creators
We’re also TESTING our own traffic co-op as an inexpensive way for your advertisers to activate their AdCards and keep a flow of traffic going through them over a longer period of time. We’re going to run this for a few weeks and then crunch the numbers, and if it’s feasible to keep it going, we’ll then set it up to pay you a small commission on each purchase made by your advertisers.
This offer is made after the AdCard is created and after the visitors have seen the OTO, so it will not impact your returns there at all. And if even a small percentage of your visitors take it up, it will put a lot more eyeballs on your AdBoards and a few more dollars through your account.
Short-Form AdBoard Page
We’ve set up an alternate version of your AdBoards page, which has been designed to work better in our traffic co-ops as well as the various traffic exchanges. The full version can take a little while to load, especially if the AdCards on it use a lot of images, so this will work better anywhere it’s shown on a timer.
We’ve added it to the AdBoard thank you pages and we’ll add a link to your Admin Dashboard shortly. If you’re promoting your own AdBoards in these kinds of places, you might find this one works a little better for you as well.
DFY Payments Are Going Off!
The new in-house payments are proving very popular and several Members will be well over the minimum this month. We’re working on the payout processing this week, and we’ll be ready to go by mid-month. For now we’re procesing payouts once a month, but if it continues like this we will look at increasing the frequency.
We’re currently sending a lot of new advertisers through from EzHitzs, and quite a few are grabbing some upgrades… mostly using the instant Stripe payments option… so if you haven’t checked this out yet, it’s highly recommended!
EzHitzs Is Proving The Fastest Way To Grow Your AdBoard
This is another option a lot of people have missed. As an AdBoard owner, if you join EzHitzs, you can embed one of your AdBoards in that system, and everyone who joins anywhere in your EzHitzs downline will be prompted to create multiple AdCards on it. And a lot of those people are purchasing add-ons!
If you haven’t looked over EzHitzs since the relaunch, or you have but you didn’t embed your own AdBoard, take this opportunity to check it out again… it’s great in it’s own right, but it’s even better if you’re an AdBoard Owner!
Take another look at EzHitzs!
OK, that’s it for now, please check each of these items out, and any questions or feedback, do reach out!