Add-On Payments

We’ve had a couple of queries from Members lately about add-ons and payments. In particular a few people were worried that ads being listed as ‘paid’, but no money was making it through to their PayPal or CoinPayments accounts.

Unfortunately this is basically just an abandoned shopping cart… people changing their minds when it came time to pay, so they do nothing and walk away.

Please rest assured that if you have valid payment details there, any payments made will go to your respective accounts.

If you don’t have that info there, or there’s any error in your info, the payment will simply fail. We DO NOT make any attempt to collect payment on your behalf.

If you receive an email notification from AdCardz that a payment has been made, please remember that is only confirming that the visitor has returned to the site from the payment processor…

We have no way of knowing if a payment was actually made to your account, so you need to check that yourself.

The good news is, there are a lot of options for dealing with abandoned shopping carts and we’re currently working on implementing a couple of those on your behalf.

We’re setting up a series of automated follow-ups, reminding thevisitor that their Ad is ready to go… just as soon as they complete the payment.

If they don’t respond to that, we can try some sort of bonus… possibly an ‘instant activation’ or coupon… but only if they take action and pay immediately…

And if that doesn’t work, the final follow up will provide a link so they can cancel their Add-Ons and reset their Ads to a basic/free version, along with instructions and encouragement to activate it.

Hopefully between the three contacts, we’ll get some sort of response… even if it is the last… so at least you’ll know where you stand with these orders.

The final bit of good news on this is, we’re seeing an increasing number of Add-On orders go through, and I’m hearing from a lot of Members confirming the payments are being made. So it’s looking like the increased exposure as we get more Members promoting their AdBoards is helping everyone… and that ‘brand recognition’ might be making it easier to give away ads and more likely people will purchase add-ons.

As always, the essential step is getting that initial traffic through your AdBoard…  a lot of people are reporting some really good ‘auto’ traffic now, but you do need to do that initial work!

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