Bonus Referrals For You!
The PIF function is also designed to let us at Admin share our own referrals with the Members. We’ve had a great response from the Members of our other sites, so as a ‘thank you’ we’re going to lead by example and share 80% of our own referrals going forward.
We’re getting a lot of visitors from our own advertising and our other websites, and we’re already seeing a lot of visitors who find us on their own, arriving without a referrer.
So that’s a lot of traffic… and signups… we’ll be sharing with you.
There is a catch though!
We are only sharing these signups with Members who have completed the set up and are active on the site.
You need to have registered for all the programs in the portfolio. If you couldn’t finalise any of them at the time you’ll need to go back and click the skip button.
You need to have completed the Configuration Wizard. There is a button towards the end that will let you mark this as complete. You must click that to let us know you’ve done the work.
You need to refer at least 3 new members on your own. This isn’t a free ride, so you need to show us that you’re prepared to do the work to make things happen.
You need to login once a month to stay active. If you haven’t been back for a month or longer, you won’t be eligible, so get in the habit of checking in regularly.
We’ve set this up so we can reward those people who are prepared to do the work to get set up and then put EzHitzs to good use. So once you’ve got your 3 members, this should keep your network growing more or less hands-free as your referrals repeat the process and find 3 themselves.
If you also factor in the Bonus Referrals we’ll send your way, this should grow your network even faster.
And if you use the PIF feature yourself, it will be growing your network even deeper as well.
What You Need To Do Right NOW…
Right now the vast majority of our Members DO NOT qualify for these Bonus Referrals so a handful of people are getting them all!
Most members have not registered for all our Portfolio Programs.
If you haven’t started please get onto that straight away. If you had issues with one or more sites, just start over and skip the problem sites for now. If you lost interest or got sidetracked, please go back and finish what you started… it will be worth it!
Most members have not completed the Configuration Wizard.
If you think you have, check each of the sections to be sure and look for the button towards the end to mark it as complete. You won’t get a bonus referral until you do! If you haven’t started it, or started but didn’t finish it… please get too it asap. You are soooo close … it would be a shame and a waste not to see it through.
Only a handful of people are Actively Promoting EzHitzs.
This is not surprising given how few have finished the set up. The thing you want to remember is, while this is brand new, there will never be an easier time to find your first three referrals… get set up, start posting a few ads, send a few emails, share it on social media… whatever you like… and this thing will literally grow itself.
The good news is, we haven’t even been going for a month yet, so everyone meets the 30 days criteria no problem!
So get those other three sorted and we’ll start sending you signups ASAP!
The only proviso is… do it properly.
There is no point skipping a heap of programs just to qualify. Those referrals we send you will just end up in your referrers downlines. You need to be registered everywhere first so they can follow you into the various programs… and so you get paid the commissions for any upgrades or the free sign-up programs
Likewise, there’s no value skipping through the Configuration Wizard just to qualify for a few freebie signups… you’ll just end up with a mass of disconnected links that don’t really do much… so you’ll miss the leverage effect of those extra signups anyway.
Take your time, do it right and you’ll never need to go back…
And it will pay off for you for many years to come!