Website & Network Stats

First up Congratulations and Thank You to Everyone for your enthusiastic support getting EzBanEx up and running so quickly. We’ve not even two full months in, and already our exchange codes are showing your banners on more than 1500 unique domains! That’s a great effort and far better than we originally hoped for when we started out on this project. Membership is still quite low, so that number of unique domains is set to explode as our Member numbers continue to build.

As mentioned previously, we’ve now added some details on your personal downline numbers, so you can see how you’re progressing… I’d really encourage everyone to work on bringing in a few active members on their first level ASAP, so you get maximum benefit as this gets duplicated down through your 6 levels. You get rewarded for all their efforts, so consider it a one-time investment in some serious ongoing exposure!

We’ve also modified our traffic tracking to identify the number of websites showing each specific banner size. This means you can see at a glance how many sites are showing exchange codes for each particular banner size, PLUS how many banners are currently in that rotation… so you can decide ‘where’ to put your own banners for maximum exposure.

Keep in mind, if your favourite affiliate programs DON’T supply non-standard banner sizes, that is an excellent opportunity to make your own!

Your customer banners will be fresh and new to viewers, and will almost always perform far better than the vendor-provider banners that a thousand other affiliates are using!

With this in mind, we’ll be posting some additional resources and ideas for creating your own customer banners shortly… keep an eye out for it as this is a major opportunity for anyone prepared to do a little more than the average affiliate marketer!

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