EzClix Done-For-You Optin Funnel
We’ve just added a couple of new items to the Bonus page in your Member’s Dashboard, and I want to take a minute to introduce the main one and explain why it’s important…
We’ve created a complete Opt-in Funnel that you can import into LeadsLeap using our Share Codes. There’s several pages ready to plus a complete follow up email series for EzClix, so most people should be able to import & configure everything in an hour or less, instead of the days it would take if you started from scratch.
The funnel has been designed to let you promote both EzClix and your Main Money Offer, so you’ll find there are two sets of instructions, depending on which one you want to place the most emphasis on. The original idea was to set this up so new members could promote EzClix plus their Main Offer to begin with, to get EzClix fully-funded ASAP, and then switch it around later, to promote their Main Offer plus EzClix once things were ticking over for them.
It’s entirely up to you and you’ll see there’s a lot of ways you can customise it to meet your own needs. Either way, you’ll also be building your list, so this is highly recommended if you don’t already use an option page for your EzClix traffic?
It’s also a fix for anyone who wants to promote a WarriorPlus offer… since their links WILL NOT load in frames, so they won’t work on our site. Instead you can add your WarriorPlus links to our funnel, send the traffic wherever you want, and build your list, al lat the same time!
Be sure to check it out next time you login!
Wow! You guys keep amazing me over and over again. This new feature is of great value for me since it allows me to not only to promote EzClix – and my other MMO – but you also provide a follow-up email series to keep in touch with my subscribers. KUDOS!
That’s a superb enhancement. Thanks very much.
Joy Healey
Thank you!!
Thank you all for the feedback, much appreciated! Hopefully I’ll get some time to do a video demo for each option shortly, which should make it a bit easier for people to follow. Cheers!
Keep GeTTing BeTTer & BeTTer canT waiT for ur nexT
thanks Brand & Team
Rich LaBoy aka TrafficMonsTer