Value For Money
We completed a few larger projects over the last couple of weeks, so this week was mostly spent reviewing everything and seeing what we might be able to do better. I found a few small items that we fixed immediately, plus a few we’ll be working on shortly.
The big concern for me is the number of people who are setting themselves up to fail. They don’t get properly set up, so we can’t deliver as promised, which means they will never get value for money from their EzClix Membership.
We’ve tweaked a lot of the system since we launched and also added quite a bit to the package. Most of the feedback we get is amazing. If you check out the testimonials page, you’ll see that the EzClix package is working even better than promised for a lot of people…
Unfortunately, it’s not the same for everyone.
A lot of people simply aren’t getting everything set up. They’re missing steps to activate their ads, or only setting up a portion of the available ads, or maybe putting it off to come back later…
Similarly, a lot of people get their ads set up but aren’t making use of the extras we’ve added… so they’re also leaving a whole lot traffic on the table.
A big part of the problem is that we promised a simple quick and easy system, and that’s evolved and grown since we launched, so it’s possible a lot of those people are finding it a bit overwhelming, or else they just aren’t interested in the extras?
Either way, we plan to fix it!
So before we get started on our next behind the scenes traffic system, we’ll be setting up an interactive checklist in the Member’s Dashboard so you can see at a glance what you’ve started, what you’ve completed, and what you might want to checkout next.
And for a little extra motivation, we’ll be adding some valuable bonuses for those who get it all done!
In the meantime… please, please, please… use the Member Checklist.
I strongly recommend you print it out so you can make a few notes as you go. Then revisit each item you think you’ve done, and make sure it is actually complete and working properly.
- Make a note on anything you plan to get back to later… so you don’t forget.
- If you think you need to do some other job first, write it down.
- If you need to get a banner or artwork first, write it down.
This really is important. You have a great package here that delivers amazing value for money… once you set it up.
So if you’re thinking that maybe you’re not getting value for money, please make sure your actually using everything we’re offering!
Every week I get people cancelling their EzClix membership, who’ll take time out to tell me this didn’t work for them… some less politely than others… but one way or another they blame the system.
Almost without exception though, when I check their accounts, they just aren’t set up.
Or more accurately, they were set up to fail…
Inactive links, missing or incorrectly sized screenshots, no banners, poorly formatted login ads.
And almost without exception, no VTP or Profile pages.
And the really sad part is, for whatever reason they didn’t get it done the first time around, once they’re gone, they’ll never come back. That’s just a wasted opportunity all round.
So please, if you’re not totally impressed by your EzClix results so far, please take a few minutes to check the testimonials page to see how other members are using the package and the results their getting.
Then if you decide you still want all that for yourself, them commit to giving it a real chance by starting over, step-by-step and checking that you’re using everything at your disposal.
I promise you, this will work amazingly well, as long as you do your part first!
1 Comment
Great job on this in-depth traffic system. I also put a few items off, but now that I have completed them, I am very happy with the results!