I quit all my social media (except youtube) and made a website to replace it lol Please visit my website I spent 300 hours on it: …


Social media has become an integral part of modern life, with billions of people around the world using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to connect with friends, share photos and updates, and stay informed about news and current events. However, for some people, the constant stream of information and the pressure to present a polished online persona can be overwhelming and detrimental to their mental health.

I was one of those people who found themselves spending hours scrolling through social media, comparing myself to others, and feeling like I needed to constantly update my profiles to keep up with the latest trends. I began to realize that my online presence was taking up too much of my time and energy, and I started to feel like I was losing touch with who I really was.

After much contemplation, I made the decision to delete all of my social media accounts and instead create my own website. I wanted a space where I could share my thoughts and experiences in a more intentional and curated way, without the distractions and pressures of traditional social media platforms.

Creating my own website was a liberating experience. I had complete control over the design and content, and I could choose what I wanted to share with the world without feeling the need to conform to the standards of social media culture. I began to write blog posts about my interests, experiences, and reflections on life, and I used my website as a digital portfolio to showcase my work and accomplishments.

One of the biggest benefits of deleting my social media accounts and focusing on my website was the sense of freedom and authenticity that I felt. I was no longer comparing myself to others or seeking validation through likes and comments. Instead, I was able to express myself in a more genuine and meaningful way, and connect with others who shared similar interests and values.

Another advantage of having my own website was that I had more control over my online privacy and security. I didn’t have to worry about my personal information being shared with third parties or my data being exploited for targeted advertising. I could choose how I wanted to interact with my audience and what kind of content I wanted to share, without being bombarded with ads and algorithms.

Of course, there were some challenges and drawbacks to deleting my social media accounts and focusing on my website. I had to adjust to not having instant access to updates from friends and family, and I had to find new ways to stay informed about news and events. I also missed out on some of the social interactions and connections that social media can facilitate.

However, overall, I found that deleting my social media accounts and creating my own website was a positive and empowering decision. I was able to reclaim my time and attention, express myself more authentically, and connect with a like-minded community of individuals who appreciated the content and ideas that I shared.

In a world that is increasingly dominated by social media, taking a step back and focusing on creating your own website can be a refreshing and liberating experience. It allows you to take control of your online presence, express yourself in a more intentional and authentic way, and connect with others on your own terms. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the pressures and distractions of social media, consider deleting your accounts and making a website of your own – you might be surprised at how much more fulfilling and meaningful your online experience can be.
social media, #deleted #social #media #website

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