In this video, Abhi and Niyu try to highlight how social media is slowly poisoning us and is taking complete charge of our lives. The video also focuses on how we as responsible citizens can overcome these hurdles with some concrete solutions.

#socialmedia #addiction #abhiandniyu

Social media has truly transformed our lives. Now it’s no longer a luxury but a necessity. New trends, new reels, new and better platforms which are a lot more faster having multiple in-built features have become an important part of our lives. The structures and methods have changed. Earlier they were a part of our lives to make things simpler for us, to make us efficient. But now they are CONTROLLING US, DICTATING US, and making us ADDICTED

One of the most concerning aspects the video explore is how social media usage releases dopamine, the brain’s feel-good neurotransmitter, creating a cycle of addiction and dependency that can have long-term negative effects on our neural pathways and emotional well-being.

From endless scrolling to the pressure of maintaining a curated online persona, the pitfalls of platforms like TikTok are vast and far-reaching.

And it’s not just Tiktok. It’s every social media platform, be it Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat

But fear not, for this video isn’t just about highlighting the problems; it’s about offering solutions. The video will explore practical strategies and tools to help you regain control over your social media usage and break free from the grips of addiction. Whether it’s setting limits on screen time, practicing mindfulness, or cultivating real-life connections.

A video by Abhiraj Rajadhyaksha & Niyati Mavinkurve

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About Us:
Abhi and Niyu is the fastest growing Indian educational YouTube channel. Abhi and Niyu are a husband-wife couple who believe in the power of our youth.

Abhi and Niyu started their page to talk about positive, impactful ideas and to inspire offline action from online content. It was a way to change the way our negative feeds operated and replace negative news with positive, action-oriented news that made some change. They decode and simplify issues for Millenials and believe small steps lead to big outcomes in the future. Their videos span different genres like history, environment, and sustainability, policy discussions, social commentary, economics, personal finance, among others.


Social media has become an integral part of our lives, with billions of people around the world using platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok to connect with others, share their thoughts and experiences, and stay updated on news and trends. However, a growing body of research suggests that a vast majority of social media content is toxic and harmful to our mental health.

According to a study conducted by the Royal Society for Public Health in the UK, social media platforms have been found to have a detrimental impact on mental well-being, with a significant amount of content promoting unrealistic beauty standards, perpetuating feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem, and fostering cyberbullying and online harassment. These negative effects have been attributed to the addictive nature of social media, as well as the algorithms used by platforms to prioritize sensationalized and provocative content in order to capture users’ attention and drive engagement.

One of the most common reasons why social media is considered toxic is the phenomenon of social comparison. When we scroll through our feeds and see other people presenting curated versions of their lives filled with picture-perfect moments, exotic vacations, extravagant purchases, and flawless appearances, we tend to compare ourselves to these idealized representations and feel as though our own lives are inadequate or inferior. This can lead to feelings of envy, insecurity, and self-doubt, ultimately eroding our self-esteem and happiness.

Furthermore, social media addiction has become a concerning issue in today’s society. The constant need to check notifications, refresh feeds, and post updates can create a compulsive behavior that interferes with our relationships, work, and overall well-being. Studies have shown that excessive social media use has been linked to increased rates of anxiety, depression, loneliness, and sleep disturbances, as well as decreased productivity and concentration.

Another reason why social media is considered toxic is the prevalence of cyberbullying and online harassment. With the anonymity provided by the internet, individuals feel emboldened to express hate speech, threats, and harmful comments towards others, leading to the victimization and psychological distress of those targeted. This toxic behavior can have devastating consequences, including depression, anxiety, and even suicide.

In order to combat the toxicity of social media, it is important for users to be mindful of their usage habits and the impact that these platforms may have on their mental health. Setting boundaries for screen time, unfollowing accounts that promote negative content, and engaging in activities that promote self-care and positive self-image can help mitigate the harmful effects of social media addiction and comparison.

Content creators and platform developers also have a responsibility to promote a healthier online environment by prioritizing authenticity, diversity, and positivity in their content, as well as implementing measures to combat cyberbullying and harassment. By working together to create a more supportive and inclusive online community, we can begin to address the toxic nature of social media and foster a more positive and uplifting digital space for all users.
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