Welcome To AdCardz News
In case you missed it on the website, we’ve made a couple of changes to how we publish new updates. There’s a lot going on and we don’t want you to miss anything important, so we’ve set up a Weekly Digest style newsletter that will let you know if any new posts have been made in the last week.
So it will come out once a week, but only if there’s new items.
After this issue, it will include just an excerpt of each new item, so you can click-through and read any items of interest on the blog. I’m doing this one as a full post, but after this it will be summaries.
You can unsubscribe below if you must, but we don’t recommend it. After this it will never be more than email a week and it will only ever be news updates… no marketing emails! There’s a lot going on so you really don’t want to miss out on anything important!
I’ll be transferring a number of items across from the website that are still current/relevant so we’ve got a record of those, and then the first proper ‘Digest’ will be come out tomorrow listing those items for your reference.
Any questions, comments or problems, please let me know!