Time To Mail Your Lists & Add Your Banner Codes
OK, we’re ready for action!
Please submit your banners, add the Banner Exchange codes to your websites and tell everyone you know about EzBanEx!
The home page is still quite bare-bones, so maybe warn your referrals about that, but everything else should be functional now. So next step is to get loads of new Members in who can post our Banner Exchange codes to all their web pages and get some momentum happening
More Members = More Exposure for Everyone… so please reach out to your lists and downlines everywhere you can think of.
We have just fixed a bug with Animated Banners, so if you’ve submitted any Animated Banners (Gifs), please delete them and resubmit. Our system was automatically resizing them, causing the animation to disappear. We’ve removed that for Gif files now… so make sure you double-check the sizes yourself before and after you upload!
We’ve had a couple of other minor bug reports that we fixed as well… please do keep them coming if you encounter ANYTHING that doesn’t work as expected.
Thanks in advance for your help and encouragement!