Seasons Greetings & Happy New Year!

Just a quick ‘thank you’ to everyone for your ongoing support and assistance over the last 12 months, and to wish you all the best for the holidays and coming year.

It’s been a challenging year in many respects, even without the impacts of Covid. We’ve been incredibly fortunate here (remote Northern Australia) and have had avoided most of the direct impacts of the pandemic, though being a region that relies heavily on tourism, we’ve definitely felt it. With our state borders re-opening this week and visitors flooding in, no doubt that’s about to change.

We did have some challenges with our websites as well, especially a few weeks back when one of our cloud servers let us down… badly.  Fortunately the Swedish programmer who helped build EzAdz in the first place, was willing and able to drop everything and rebuild the server and set up the EzAdz app for us, virtually on the spot.

We ramped up the server at the same time, and that one is now running better than ever, and is on track to deliver over 2 million banner impressions this month… including 400K+ co-op impressions a corresponding volume of visitors to your sites. A good portion of this is coming from new campaigns that haven’t really kicked in yet, so we expect to grow these numbers considerably in 2022.

EzHitzs is progressing nicely, now over 1400 Members, which is nice, but more importantly, a growing number of Members reporting some excellent results for their efforts. Unfortunately it’s still one of those sites where the majority will not follow through, but it’s good to know that those who get the work done will get the results they’re after.

One option ‘on the drawing board’ for 2022, is to see if we can develop a ‘lite’ set up, that people can run through first, to get some early initial results, that might motivate them to stick at it and do it all properly… more on that when time permits!

AdCardz has seen a major boom as a result of it being embedded as a traffic tool in our other programs. A huge percentage of our AdBoard owners have taken full advantage of this and many are reporting a major uptick in traffic, ads and add-on sales.

There’s still quite a few who haven’t embedded their own AdBoards yet, so make sure you’re not one of them!

A number of people also have one or more ‘extra’ AdBoards that they haven’t set up yet. We added an extra allocation to the basic account quite a while back, but I suspect the message didn’t get  through… maybe check that while you’re there as well!

EzBannerz is growing nicely as well, and we saw a good number of Members take up the upgrade offer when that was released. That’s slowed up now a bit, but there’s enough paid upgrades coming through that some are starting to get the commissions from the lower levels… so we’re expecting that to take off next year as well.

The crypto sites… EzCryptos and Crypto Cash Coop… probably excite me most, even after the recent pull back in crypto prices. Things are definitely changing in this space and there’s good reasons to be cautious, but my reading still seems to suggest we’re a long way from a cycle top…

So it’s still a great time to be accumulating cryptos…

Which is what these programs are designed to do!

In case you missed it, we have recently swapped out a couple of the EzCryptos programs and I’ll be giving CCC an update in the new year. We’ve also recently fixed the tracking on the EzCryptos referral co-op, so that will now show all the referrals we’re sending to upgraded members!

Big news coming on this front as well. With recent changes to the crypto market-cycle and our own price expectations going forward, we’ve started work on a new site to capitalize on the changes… and to implement some of the things we’ve learned in the last couple of years.

Watch out for a launch in January if all goes well. Our existing users will have a major head-start, but this new one will go far beyond anything we’ve done to now. It will likely be our last crypto program… everything we’re doing now leaves me pretty confident we’re onto a winner and this new format will keep working indefinitely.

Well that’s about where we’re up to at present, and just a few of our plans for 2022, though no doubt there’s be some changes and additions along the way.

Thank you again for being part of all this, and I look forward to working with you all to make it happen again in 2022!








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