Reloading Your Ads

If you look at your AdCard List for a specific AdBoard, you’ll now see a ‘Recycle’ icon in the options column. Clicking that will bump your Ad to the top of the AdBoard, leaving all the existing data and stats unchanged.

This is basically the same function that happens when one of your Advertisers’ Ads reaches the bottom of your AdBoards and they have purchased the ‘Reloads’ add-on, EXCEPT when you do it manually like this, the AdCards ‘reloads’ tally is not changed.

Mostly this will be for your personal use… for example… you could add a large batch of Ads when you create your AdBoard, and then as you get start to get new Ads submitted from other users, you can Bump one Ad each week, so after a while you’ll have your own Ads spread out throughout the length of your AdBoard?

You can use it however you like though, possibly as a bonus for your Advertisers for completing some other task? Try it out sometime and see what you come up with!



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