Profile Pages Ready To Test
We’ve got these 95% done now, and we’re looking for some help to test out your management functions, and to get some data into the system so we can fine-tune the design and layout. We’re also wanting to see as many different optin forms from as many different autoresponder platforms as possible.
You’ll find a new link added to your dashboard, under Member Links, that goes to Your Profile Page. That page has a bit of info and then three tabs to let you submit the required information… your profile details, your optin offer and form, and the final tab lets you upload a couple of images.
There’s detailed instructions on each section, so I won’t repeat it all here. What I will mention is the opt-in forms…
We’ve tried a few of these so far and the easiest and most consistent option of the lot so far are IFRAME forms… these are working perfectly in all our tests and it’s easy enough to tweak the design on your autoresponder platform, to match the design and look of our page.
Straight up HTML forms are working OK, but it was harder to get the design to match up with our site. Best option seems to be to NOT include any supplied css styles, and allow our styles to be applied instead.
The two Javascript options I’ve tried are 50-50 … one worked OK, the other was a mess. If anyone wants to experiment, please let me know how it goes and any changes you made to the supplied code to get it working.
So if you’re happy to assist with the testing, please put it through it’s paces… you’ll be prompted to add your bio info, a portrait pic or avatar, and your optin form… along with some copy and an image to make your optin form more engaging.
For the opt-in form you will need an existing list and form, and ideally you should set up your confirmation and thank you pages to automatically deliver any gifts or bonuses you promise in your copy.
I do want to stress, this is a work in progress and you may encounter bugs we haven’t found yet, and we may end up changing some elements around before it goes live…
If that’s going to be a problem, please just wait a while… we’ll let you know the minute it’s ready to go.
Thanks in advance for your help!
The Prize wheel does not work on mobile — tried 3 times on my android 11.0, broken
Hi Massimo, afraid we haven’t even tested any of this on mobiles… now you mention it though, we might have a look at it sometime, at least for the news and login functions, but anyone setting this up really should be looking to use a desktop or laptop computer? I’ll give it somethought and add it to the ‘revisit list’ for later on.
Thank you admin. Tons of users are using mobile because you have your smartphone with you on every place you go, so….
Be sure to make prize-wheel works on mobile and users will be more happy 🙂