Optin Forms For Profile Pages
Great to see a lot more people getting these set up now.
We had one very good suggestion last week, to add your testimonials to the page, down near the EzClix info, to maybe send a few more people through your sign up link… so if you’ve submitted a testimonial, that will show up there shortly. If you haven’t submitted one yet, you know what to do!
The other thing I’d like to add is some guidance for getting the correct optin form from a few of the major autoresponders. We’re getting a few support tickets on this and we’re also seeing a few people submitting code that just doesn’t work… neither of which helps anyone.
So if you’ve set this up… and tested your optin form… and you have a few minutes sometime, could you log back into your autoresponder, grab a screenshot, and send it to me wit ha couple of basic step by step instructions on where to find it…
i.e. Look for XXX on your dashboard, click on YYY, then click on ZZZ in the top corner. Copy the ABC option…
Thanks in advance for any and all assistance.
Finally, if you have submitted your page, you’ll receive an email from us when we assign your traffic credits. You can still edit your page at any time… so I strongly suggest you take that email as a reminder to revisit it…
Make sure it’s a good sales page for you and your business offers.
Ad if you skipped any of the sections, seriously consider do in it all. Every element is there for a reason, so every element is highly recommended.