New AI TrafficTools
You’re probably all too aware that AI Tools are hot right now, and it seems every second marketer is releasing their own set of AI Tools. There’s been quite a few promising to generate traffic, so we’ve bought an tested a load of those over the last few months, but for the most part they were pretty useless.
Most were just high-tech tools for spamming social media or video sites, and unlikely to ever deliver more than a trickle of visitors before they got our accounts shut down.
Some showed promise, but the processes were over-complicated and the software buggy, so we’ve put them aside for now…
We did find a few that were more focused on SEO and content publishing… which is something we’ve been working on quietly for some time now… so we’ve added a few of those to our workflows to see if they can boost the organic traffic we generate through our blogs.
But the flood of instant traffic that they all promise seems to be a bit pie in the sky… for now.
So I’m sharing this for a few reasons…
1. If you’re seeing these offers and you’re tempted, make sure you check it out carefully first!
Do some research and see what other customers have to say. If they don’t tell you ‘how’ they plan to generate the traffic, assume it’s something basic and probably spammy. If it feels a bit too good to be true, trust your instincts, it probably is!
2. If you do find a quality AI Traffic offering that actually delivers, please share!
By all means send me your affiliate link and I’ll check it out. If you include a bit of a rundown of what it’s doing and how it does it… and what sort of numbers it’s getting you! … then that will likely move you to the top of the list when I check them out!
3. We’ll be sharing some of the tools in your Dashboard shortly!
Some of the tools we’ve purchased to test came with WhiteLabel/Reseller rights, so we’ll be adding some of these to your Members Area over coming weeks. While they aren’t going to generate traffic on their own, they are tools you’ll find useful for operating and growing your business!
There’s a crazy amount of development going on in this area… and it’s all changing at a ridiculous pace… which makes it even harder to keep up, so we have set up some systems for tracking projects that could be useful for us. We’ll try and distill some of that into a brief update and the occasional recommendation going forward, if you’re interested…