Member Checklist
Just incase you missed it, we’ve put a Quick Start Member Checklist on your Dashboard when you login. This lets you see at a glance what you tools and features you have at your disposal, so you can see any items you still need to set up.
This is especially important as we add new features to your account!
Please look for this in the bottom half of your Dashboard page, down below the recent news. EzClix is designed to be set-and-forget, but you do need to take care of the set part first.
In particular, we’re seeing a few common issues…
- A number of people still not Testing & Activating their links. You must do this after you submit and save the URL. Your link will not receive and traffic until you do!
- A large number of members have still not set up their Viral Traffic pages. This is hands free traffic and referrals… and will grow into your own standalone, ongoing traffic system, that you can direct anywhere you want… if you set it up so we can start to feed it!
- And far too many people have not saved their Warrior Plus affiliate link to EzClix. This is literally about a 2 minute job… login to WP and grab a link and then paste it in a form on EzClix… and we will send traffic to WP on your behalf!
Please check this and make sure you are getting maximum value from your membership. We are doing everything we can to keep adding value to this for you, but you need to do your part too!