Introducing EzBanEx
EzBanEx is a Viral Banner Exchange we have literally just built and we’re now putting the final touches on it. We’ve had a couple of other people’s Banner Exchanges go down in recent years, so after a third disappeared last month, we decided it would be better to just build our own!
We’ve been huge fans of banner exchanges for many years, so this has allowed us to include and improve, all the best features and functions from other exchanges and make something really special.
Here’s the quick explanation (TLDR)…
- Nine (9) Popular Banner Sizes. Did you know the MMO space is the only place where the original 468px banners are still the most popular? The rest of the web has moved on and now you can catch up!
- Simple Exchange Codes you can add anywhere that you can post a banner link. So you can use this, even if you don’t have a website of your own!
- 250+ Unique Websites Already! We’re barely two weeks in and already our Exchange Codes are published on over 271 different domains… and counting.
- Pre-Launch Sign-Up Bonuses are still available. For as limited time we’ll give you an extra banner slot and some bonus credits to get your campaigns up and running!
- Instant Referral Bonuses We reward you real-time for your Direct Referrals plus you’ll earn Bonus Credits based on their own banner exchange activity, for life. That’s just the start though…
- 6 Levels of Viral Magic! You’ll also earn similar Bonus Credits based on the activity of their referrals, and their referrals, and so on, down through 6 level in total!
- Combo Marketing Pages. You’ll get two very special marketing pages that are designed to grow your network and earn you credits at the same time, plus each one adds it’s own unique secret sauce to your campaigns. (More on that on the inside!)
So I hope you can see the powerful Set & Forget Traffic strategy at play here. Sign up, grab your exchange codes, add your own banners… and let it run! We are still in pre-launch, so you’ll never get a better opportunity to get in on the ground floor and establish a powerful network that will deliver valuable hands-free traffic for many years to come.
Claim Your Free EzBanEx Account Here!