That's Not My Banner?!

If you have a free account…

We'll show your banners 80% of the time. The other times we'll show ads for our upgraded members. This is the cost of using this service for free...

i.e. We cover our costs by reselling those extra impressions to our upgraded Members.

This also means that, if you purchase any membership upgrade, you get extra exposure for your ads. Your ads are shown 100% of the time in your own campaigns, PLUS you get extra exposure through that 20% of Free Member ad placements.

That hand-free exposure for your banners is one of the main reasons people choose to upgrade, but there are plenty of others. We do encourage it, but it is entirely optional... you can keep a free account forever.

If you are upgraded…

In some situations you may still see other people's banners in your campaigns. This is usually due to your own banners being paused so our fall-back banner is shown instead. 

This can happen if the banners you've added to your campaign fail to load. Our system detects the error response and pauses the banner immediately, so the host website doesn't pause or delete your campaign entirely for having broken image links.

If that happens, just double-check each of the images in your campaign and activate them if you are confident they are displaying properly. 

If you detect a repeat-offender, consider loading it to your own web hosting, or a fast content delivery network, and linking to it there instead. 

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