How do I update my CLICKBANK payment details?

Your subscription is handled by Clickbank and we dont have access to any of your payment information, so any changes will need to be made on the Clickbank website.

Login below with your order details...!/#orderLookup

You'll need the email you used with Clickbank and your order ID or Zip Code. All can be found on your Clickbank receipt.

Just login and look for your Original Payment Details, click the edit link and update the info accordingly.

If your Credit/Debit card is about to expire, Clickbank will send you a warning and ask you to update your details. Please act on this promptly to avoid any disruption to your account.

If your account goes unfinancial and we don't hear back from you promptly, your AdBoard may be closed without any further notice, so make sure you always have a valid email address listed in your account.

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