Why is there a charge by EzSitez on my bank statement?
We process a number of different charges for several of our websites using Stripe Payments on this EzSitez website.
This currently includes AdCardz, EzAdz, EzHitzs, Crypto Cash Co-op and EzBannerz. There will likely be others added in the future.
If you don’t recognize a charge, please reach out to us to check what it might have been BEFORE you complain to your bank. If we cannot explain it we’ll tell you immediately so you can go back to your bank ASAP…
But if you complain to your bank first, they will assume the charge is fraudulent and instigate a chargeback immediately.
This means the payment will be reversed and we’ll be charged a fee by our bank. We’ll also be charged an extra fee by the payment processor. Given how our services are priced, this can be even more than the original sale price.
Finally our merchant reputation will be negatively impacted… which basically means we’ll pay even higher fees going forward.
This process is difficult to undo if you later remember it was in fact a legit charge. We’ve now had several people realise this after the fact and despite their best attempts… and profuse apologies… the damage was done.
This kind of activity adds to our costs and will eventually be passed on to all other members…. but it is totally avoidable if you take a moment to check with us first.
So if you have a concern, take a moment to think it through…
If you have a legitimate concern that an unauthorised charge has been made by EzSitez… or any of our website brands… please check with us and we’ll provide as much info as we can, as quickly as possible, to help you resolve the issue.
Likewise if you are not satisfied with a product or service you purchased from us, please reach out and we will do what we can to make it right.
To be fair, most people do the right thing and will follow those steps as a matter of commonsense and courtesy. So what follows is only for those who choose to go the less scrupulous route.
If you tell your bank that our charges were unauthorised, you are accusing us of fraud and we will take action to protect our reputation and our bottom-line.
1. We will immediately and permanently delete any website account associated with that charge.
2. We will fight the charge as best we can, including supplying your bank with whatever documentation we have, to show that you did in fact make the purchase, accessed out services and that you deliberately made a false accusation of fraud.
3. We will close any other accounts/subscriptions you might have with us on other websites, to prevent a similar situation on those accounts.
4. We will blacklist you from using any of our websites or services or affiliate programs in the future.
Again, I want to stress, this will not apply to the vast majority of our members. If you have a legitimate concern, please do reach out and we will do our best to assist.
But if you choose to use a fraud accusation as a means to get a refund, there will be consequences.