Recent Posts
EzHitzs 2.0 Relaunch!
After far too many delays, the doors are open again and we've started the dripfeed email inviting our existing Members...
Featured Member Links
Here's our Featured Offer for the week. Please support the club by paying a quick visit. It's good karma and you never know,...
Changes To Our Weekly Email
We're going to start posting a short selection of random Member Links & Screenshot Images in the weekly email from...
EzClix on EzHitz
There's an update on the way about the EzHitzs 2.0 release. It's getting close but we decided to relaunch on...
Login Ad List
We've added an extra page to the Member's Area showing a random selection of Login Ads. These are an upgraded...
WarriorPlus Payment Issues
We seem to be having more and more issues with WarriorPlus/Stripe declining payments for no apparent reason. Quite a few...
Getting Help With EzClix
While I'm out of the office, please remember to send any support issues via the Helpdesk. If you haven't used...
February Prize Draw Winners
I'm on a plane early tomorrow for some family obligations and probably won't get much computer time over the next...
Optin Forms on your Profile Pages
I finally got a chance to check some of these and unfortunately there's a lot that won't be working. Despite...
Screenshots Versus Thumbnails
I had a few queries this week from people wanting to know if it's OK to create your own site...
Traffic Site Suggestions
You might have seen the form on the 'Resources' page for suggesting your favourite Traffic Sites. The key word there...
January Prize Draw
Between moving house and the (almost complete) EzHitzs update, I totally missed the end of January sorry, so we were...
Viral Traffic Pages
While we're on the subject of broken links, a lot of people have been putting the wrong info into the...
A Quick Update on the Videos
We've added an edit option to this now, so you can add your video, check it on your profile page,...
Login Ads
I've updated the instructions for the Login Ads slightly. There was a missing link and seeing some of the submissions...
Video Views & Clicks
All Members can now add up to three (3) YouTube videos to their account, which we will then embed on...
Video Tutorials
We've started adding a few video tutorials for various tasks on the EzClix site. A few people were missing steps,...
December Prize Draw Results
We reached 6000 entries again this month, so we awarded two prize packages. The lucky winners were Jose Anchito Lacanaria...
Happy New Year!
My holidays are almost over, so I'll be heading home tomorrow to start sorting through the email backlog. We've tried...
Thanks for your support!
As the year draws to a close, I just wanted to send a big 'thank you' to everyone for coming...