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EzAdz Banner Issues

Update 7/12/2021: Apologies for the delays, but we've had even more headaches with the hosting company on this one, so...

EzSitez Newsletter Migration

We had a few issues with our News/Support site webhost, so we're in the process of moving everything to a...

Crypto Traffic Sites

We've just added a set of Crypto Traffic sites to the Traffic Engine following a few requests from EzCryptos Members....

Co-op and Paid Traffic Campaigns

We've just corrected a bug in the script that was preventing us from correctly tracking and reporting the traffic we...

Power Pages 2.0 Are Ready To Go

I finally got the Power Pages updated and ready to go again. Unfortunately they had some issues after a couple...

SWAP OUT – All Sites, Action Required!

In case you missed it, Cash In On Banners disappeared last week sometime and it doesn't look like it's coming...

Streamlining our Newsletters

Most of you will be aware I run a few membership-based sites, and you'll also have noticed I'm not the...

An Invite To Test Out Our Newest Website

If you like EzAdz at all, I think you're going to love EzHitzs! This is a brand new site designed...

ETG Christmas Giveaway

Elite Tigers Group has just started another month-long giveaway. If you haven't seen this before, this will give you a...

Traffic Engine Favourites

We've now added a 'Favourites' button to your Traffic Engine, so you can easily access your favourite traffic sites from...

New ETG Monthly Promo

Just a quick heads-up the the ETG sites are running on of their monthly promos for October. Every day this...

EzAdz’ First Major Update

A lot going on behind the scenes lately, so a bit of a break between updates sorry. The big job...

Test Post – Please Ignore

This is just random code and images from various websites that we need to test live, so most of the...