Recent Posts

Co-op Traffic Campaign

Thanks for the feedback on this, much appreciated. Turns out a number of people have seen a significant uptick in...

Alternate Payment Options

It seems a lot of people have been hit by PayPal's purge, so we've been looking at a number of...

CoinPayments Issues

We've had a number of issues lately with people wanting to pay for their Add-Ons using CoinPayments and not being...

More Paid Promos… For Your AdBoards!

We've just set up a new paid traffic campaign for 15,000 visitors over the next 30 days. The landing page...

PRO TIP: Promoting Your AdBoards

This might be obvious to some people, but just in case you missed it... While you can promote your AdBoards...

Spotlight Ads Again

We haven't had much of a response at all to the Spotlight Ads, which is a bit surprising... though it...

Group Promos… please don’t click them!

We've started running a few promos for the site as a group, sending traffic to our Showcase page, which shows...

Reloading Your Ads

If you look at your AdCard List for a specific AdBoard, you'll now see a 'Recycle' icon in the options...

Creating Owner Ads on Your AdBoards

A big part of this system involves making your own offers to your visitors, using Owner-Ads. To make this a...

Adding Advertisers to Autoresponders

One of the most common requests from our beta-test was for an option to add your Advertisers to an Autoresponder...

Turning Free Ads Into Cash

This is the big question everyone wants answered... and we are seeing some great results already... but it's all a...

2 Million Ads In Under 2 Months!

This site is really starting to pick up some momentum now, hitting the 2 Million Ad Views in just over...

Quick Fixes & Mods

The following items are mostly responses to member requests & bug reports, so I'll add them to single post each...

Member Spotlight Ads

You can now 'spotlight' one Ad from each of your AdBoards, to highlight those offers to other Members. There is...

Universal Image Manager

Apologies if anyone was going around in circles trying to upload images... I set this page up weeks ago but...

New Bonuses Added

We've added a number of excellent video training packages to your Dashboard under the Resources section. Most of these are...

The AdCardz Affiliate Program

Our affiliate program has just been approved by Clickbank and we are ready to go. If you've already saved your...

About Us: Making a Connection

You'll notice an 'About Us' link at the top of your AdBoards now. That will open a modal window with...

Need Banners? Check Your Bonuses!

You have the option to upload a Banner for each of your AdBoards, so your Advertisers can grab the code...

Your Traffic Scheduler

This is a tool we've used with great success on a number of our membership sites over the years so...