Recent Posts

AdCardz Is On The Move

We'll be moving AdCardz across to the new server tomorrow... Tues July 25th... so the Member's Area will be unavailable...


Just a heads-up for anyone using CoinPayments to accept online crypto payments... It appears they've signed on with a new...

A couple of minor fixes

Just a heads-up that we've (finally) resolved a couple of nagging issues in the AdCardz site. When your Advertisers create...

Seasons Greetings & Happy New Year!

Just a quick 'thank you' to everyone for your ongoing support and assistance over the last 12 months, and to...

EzSitez Newsletter Migration

We had a few issues with our News/Support site webhost, so we're in the process of moving everything to a...

SWAP OUT – All Sites, Action Required!

In case you missed it, Cash In On Banners disappeared last week sometime and it doesn't look like it's coming...

New Payment Options inc PayPal

We now have seven payments options you can activate, including a direct payment option using PayPal for those with accounts....

New & Updated Payment Processing

We've just added some extra payment options and we've made a few changes to how the existing ones work. You...

Crypto Payment Minimums

If you're using Coin Payments you might not be aware that they sometimes impose minimum amounts for some crypto currencies....

PayPal Issues

We've had a couple of people report problems with PayPal this week, basically they're  saying AdCardz transactions are somehow in...

Streamlining our Newsletters

Most of you will be aware I run a few membership-based sites, and you'll also have noticed I'm not the...

AdCardz Owners: Use Your Own AdBoard!

Any current AdCardz AdBoard Owner can now embed one of their own AdBoards in the EzHitzs system. This will send...

New Site Connects With Your AdCardz AdBoards

We've just launched a new site that AdBoard owners are going to find particularly useful! EzHitzs is a free traffic...

Traffic Is Good, but Converting It Is the Point

E-commerce entrepreneurs spend so much of their time and effort in pursuit of potential customers.Rightfully so, but the quest quite...

14 Ways To Instantly Monetize Your AdBoards

his is something I found recently that could work really well with your AdBoards. It's called Commission Shortcut, and it's...

Huge Free Advertising Package

If you missed out last month, it's on again... same link below will work. As mentioned in the original post,...

Alternate Payment Processors Are Live

OK we've finally got some alternate payment options in place:  Oru and Uphold. We've added a new Payment Options page...

Alternate Payment Processors

Apologies again that this is taking so long... we seem to be going around in circles with every option we...

Add-On Payments

We've had a couple of queries from Members lately about add-ons and payments. In particular a few people were worried...

Co-op Traffic Campaign

Thanks for the feedback on this, much appreciated. Turns out a number of people have seen a significant uptick in...