In this wordpress tutorial for beginners you will learn how to monitor traffic on wordpress website using plugin WP Statistics to …


WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems in the world, used by millions of websites to publish content and engage with their audience. One of the key metrics that website owners often want to track is their website traffic, in order to understand how many visitors are coming to their site and how they are interacting with their content.

There are several tools available to track website traffic, but one of the most popular and easy-to-use options is the WP Statistics plugin for WordPress. This plugin allows website owners to easily track their website traffic, visits, and visitors, providing valuable insights into the performance of their site and helping them make informed decisions about their content and marketing strategies.

Installing the WP Statistics plugin

To get started with tracking website traffic using the WP Statistics plugin, you first need to install and activate the plugin on your WordPress site. To do this, go to the Plugins section in your WordPress dashboard and click on the “Add New” button. Search for “WP Statistics” in the search bar, then click on the “Install Now” button next to the plugin. Once the installation is complete, click on the “Activate” button to activate the plugin on your site.

Configuring the plugin settings

After activating the WP Statistics plugin, you can customize the settings to track website traffic according to your preferences. To access the plugin settings, go to the WP Statistics section in your WordPress dashboard. Here, you can configure various options such as excluding specific IP addresses from tracking, setting up automatic data cleaning, and customizing the display of statistics on your site.

Checking website traffic statistics

Once you have configured the settings, you can start tracking your website traffic by viewing the statistics provided by the WP Statistics plugin. To do this, go to the WP Statistics section in your WordPress dashboard and click on the “Overview” tab. Here, you will see a summary of your website traffic, including the total number of visits, unique visitors, page views, and more.

In addition to the overview, you can also view detailed reports on various aspects of your website traffic by clicking on the other tabs in the WP Statistics section. These reports include information on popular pages, top referrers, search terms, and more, allowing you to gain valuable insights into how visitors are interacting with your site and what content is performing well.

Using the data to improve your website

By tracking website traffic using the WP Statistics plugin, you can gather valuable insights into the performance of your site and make informed decisions to improve it. For example, if you notice that certain pages are receiving a lot of traffic, you can analyze the content on those pages to understand why they are popular and create more similar content to attract more visitors.

Similarly, if you find that a large percentage of your traffic is coming from a specific source, such as a social media platform or search engine, you can focus your marketing efforts on that source to drive more traffic to your site. Overall, tracking website traffic using the WP Statistics plugin is a valuable tool for website owners to understand their audience, optimize their content, and improve the performance of their site.
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