About Us: Making a Connection

You’ll notice an ‘About Us’ link at the top of your AdBoards now. That will open a modal window with your AdBoard description, a few stats for your site and your profile pic. If you’ve added a Bio, that will appear there as well.

This is your chance to ‘sell’ your Adboard and Yourself to visitors… so make sure it presents well and give your visitors a reason to hang around and submit an ad.

The written copy will also help with SEO, so take a minute to make sure your AdBoard Description reads well, uses a few relevant keywords AND encourages visitors to submit a free ad!

Remember, everything starts with the free ads. The more free ads you give away, the more chances you have to sell some add-ons!

If you don’t have a Profile Pic or Logo submitted, this modal will show a default graphic, but my gut feeling is, having a profile pic there will help your conversions!

If you’re the private type I can relate, but at least add some sort of ‘personal’ graphic or a logo.

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